Back to the Fire is a six-part documentary series that features prominent Indigenous leaders from across the globe whose deeply personal stories of adversity and success are an essential field-guide for the leaders of tomorrow.
The show uncovers ancient teachings, values and customs that are not only relevant but urgently needed in today’s challenging world. Each episode is a rich and entertaining cultural journey that is hopeful, illuminating and inspiring.
Back to the Fire pairs fascinating and influential Indigenous leaders (one as host or “tour guide;” the other as featured guest) sharing personal stories of adversity and triumph in stunning, remote locations rarely captured on camera. The show is as deeply concerned with such issues as environmental and cultural preservation, social harmony, and peace-building, as it is with audience engagement and entertainment. Back to the Fire is Truth and Reconciliation served as a delightful and inspiring cinematic feast.
Season one features leaders and locations in British Columbia, Canada.
CHIEF ROBERT JOSEPH, KATHRYN TENEESE, SOPHIE PIERRE, STEPHEN POINT, GWENDOLYN POINT, MILES RICHARDSON, SATSAN (HERB GEORGE), and RON HAMILTON, along with a supporting cast of characters (family members, community members, influencers) who inspire them.
“Too many Indigenous elders are passing on and taking with them precious
knowledge that would enrich the next generation of leaders.”